# of watchers: 6
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2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head."Vampires have been scared to breed with in there own kind, so they mate with humans or other SB's."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "Than why did you?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."becaus
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and flinched a bit he pulled his knees up to his chest, "What;s she like?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."She's brave, on hell of a fighter, caring wondful women. She is also very beauitful too."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a bit, "Do I look like her?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."yes."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at him seeing Armond was off in his own world, "Why did she leave?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned and looked down."Because she...didn't want you and I think she was mad that I forced her to stay pregant with you."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and frowned, "Oh sorry..." He mubbled and looked away from Armond feeling like he took his mother from Armond since he came in the picure
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at him."No it's fine because she has given me the best gift I could hope for. A son."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Armond and smiled, "Really??"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded and smiles."Yes, really."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more not really sure what to saay to that
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Now why don't you go and get some sleep."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK." He got up, "Armond, do I like like my mother at all?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."yes you do."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max, "How?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."your hair is the same color and your eyes too."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled, "Really?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded and smiles."Yes, really."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled brightly and nodded, "Hey ummm you wanna tell me where I can sleep cause I don;t know this place?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."Up the stair, go all the the way up to the 3rd floor and choice any room you wish."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and frowned his cell phone ringing in his pocket he tossed it to Armond, "It's dad I don't know how to explain this and we most liky will get in the fight cause I'm still mad about his hitting me."
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond caught the phone."I'll talk to him."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit and walked out of the room but he lisened at the door >:D
The phone rang
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond answered it."James."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned, "Max? No voice is close but not... Armond." He sighed. "Had Max snuck out this morning to your house or did you pick him up really earlie?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."He came to my house while I was at work. When I came home he was curled up on my chair asleep but he woke up and told me why he was there. James I asked you to protect him and what do you do? You hit him because you where anger."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned and bit his lip a bit, "I didn't hit him Armond." He lied. "He was mad cause after you left I woke him up and told him he was going and we got in to a raised discustion."
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."Do not lie to me James. i saw the mark on his face."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned, "I was mad I don't even remeber it, can I come pick him up we need to finsh packing."
Max frowned from out side
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."James my maker is after Maximus and so is my son Rubin. So I can not let you or Hope see Maximus until I have taken care of the problem."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned, "What how long will that take?" HE frowned worried,
Max smiled a bit hearing he get's to stay with Armond
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."As long as it takes for me to take care of Remus and...Rubin."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James, "What about his schooling?" HE bit his lip waiting to ask what was really one his mind if Max whould really come to live with them again or if Armond whould start with his vampire studdies.
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I have friends that can teach him all he needs to know."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James let out a breath, "His things? Cloths and skech pad he has that every where I'm guessing he acdentily left it here."
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I will take care of everything, James."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned, "Armond, is he not going to come back and live with us, is he well is it that time when you said he needs to start learnning who he is as you said it?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Yes, it's time. And I'm sorry."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: James frowned, "OK Armond, good bye." He hung up.
Max glanced in the room, "Time for what?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond put the phone on the coffee table."I was wonder how long it would take you come back in the room."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Sorry come on you know me." He walked back in and sat by Armond
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles nodded."That I do."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "So what does its time mean, you going to tell or be mean?"
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Go to sleep."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Please tell me..." He begged giving Armond his puppy dog eyes. "I woun't go... you have to carry me if you want me to."
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond put his hand on Max's shoudler."Time for you to learn about the SB world. Now go to bed."
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and got up, "OK night than." He waved and walked out
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond waved then he leaned back on the chair
2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max went up and picked a room with a window seat and a veiw of the woods and the lake by the house and layed down
2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond teleported to his room and changes into his PJ's.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max changed fell to sleep and closed his eyes
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond layed on his bed and fell asleep
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep.
[Time skip morning.]
Max mubbled a bit having a bad dream, which was normal he had them almost every night since he was a few weeks old.
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond was alseep
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max yelped and woke up
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond was asleep still.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed and rubbed his eyes shaking
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sleeps
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max went around the house till he found Armond's room and he got in bed with Armond and cuddled up to him like he did when he stayed with Armond or Armond had stayed over James and Hopes and Max had a bad dream
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him back.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and cuddled to Armond more closing his eyes
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sleeps as he cuddled him
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max fell back to sleep
[Time skip to a bit later XD]
Max had woken up but cuddled to Armond with his eyes closed so it still looked like he was sleeping
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond woke up and smiled at Max.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to Armond more he opened his eyes and saw Armond was awake, "Sorry I had a bad dream and I found your room...."
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."It's fine, son."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked a bit surprised he called him son, he smiled and cuddled to Armond, "What we doing today?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Your staying her, while I look for Lilly and Rubin."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "OK, what is there for me to do?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."I have a library here. Full of books. Also I have a drawing room, full of art stuff ."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and sat up, "Really?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Yep. So you keep out of troble while I'm gone."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK I will, promess." He hugged Armond than jumped off the bed than turned back to him, "Ummmm where are the rooms?" His stomach growled, "Umm kitchen first." He smiled
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond got out of bed."I'll give you the tour, because you might get lost."he walked out the room.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes and fallowed muttering, "How big can this place be."
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."pret
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and caught up to Armond walking beside him, "Why did you move to London if you have here than. Your place in London has two rooms and one bathroom."
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged."I've lived all over the place.I almost have a house in ever contry."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "But I mean why not stay here why did you move if you had this place?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Life can get boring with staying in one place too long. And plus people start to notice that you don't age."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max, "You've been there since I was born, 12 1/2 years. Why you stay if you could afford some place like this?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Beca
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Why did you have to do that?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Remus, Rubin, Lilly and any other vampire out there."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded slowly, "I'm glad you did, I never could wate till mum and dad went out and you came over or I went over to your house."
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded.
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked around
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked into the kitchen."I have each of my houses stocked with food every month or so. SO just help your self."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK, hey how many houses do you have? Wate your rich arn;t you that's why you got me and I pod and a lap top for my birth day?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles and nodded
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max, "And you didn't have the time to tell...." He paused, "Dude I;m stupid i should have figured it out with all the stuff you have in London well with how expensive it is. Why did you go to work?"
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged."To past the time."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit
2010-03-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Now eat something."
2010-03-23 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked in the frige, "You staying for breakfast before you go I'll cook mum taught me how and she was a good cook."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."I've lost my teste for food."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max, "So your leaving?" He pulled out cerile, milk a bowl and a spoon
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I have to hunt Lilly, Rubin and Remus down to find out what the hell is going on." he sighed."I have a good friend of mine coming over to keep an eye on you. And please don't bite her, I know she smells sweet but no bitting or she will use her powers on you."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "When have I ever...." He trailed off. "OK so I bit someone once but I was six but I'm 12 1/2 I can not bite people." He porred his cerle and milk in his bowl
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Yes I know how old you are but I'm just saying."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max, "OK, I woun't. But hey your coming home tonight right?"
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I should be back sometime tonight. Just be good for Mina, okay?"
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK, as good as I always am." He took a bite of his food
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."okay. Oh and Mina is a demon, so be nice."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded slowly, "OK be nice I got that part and deamon yeah nothing can get much more weird."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."And no jokes about her being the devils daughter, okay? And no she isn't but demons get alot of those jokes."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: MAx, "Hey your the one who let me watch those movies, mum and dad wouldn't and yes I get that that's being mean to some one." He finshed his food and washed his bowl
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Okay. I'll just go get dressed then I'll call her." he teleported to his room.
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and dired his bowl and put it away
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond got dressed in black pants, grey shirt and black boots.
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max bit his lip and walked out of the kitchen to the libary
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond called Mina.
Mina appeared into front of Armond and she listened to him as he told her what she had to do.
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at the books
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked to the Library with Mina
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max had picked a few books and he sat in Armond's favoit chair not knowing it was Armond's fovorit he had a stack of books on the table by him as he hread one
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Well that is good then Mina."
Mina smacked his arm."Not funny Armond." she chuckles
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced up at them
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles more as he walks into the library."Son this is Mina, Mina this is Maximus, my son."
Mina looked at Max."Nice to meet you Maximus."she smiles
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Nice to meet you too Mina."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."Now Mina keep him safe from the others, okay?"
Mina sighed."Armond I am 300years older than you. You don't need to talk to my like I'm a child. And yes I will look after your son."
Armond chuckles."See you two later." the teleported away.
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and looked back down to his book
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina sat down on the sofa."You look so much like him."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked up from his book setting it on his lap, "Who?"
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina chuckles."Your father."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max rose an eyebrow, "I do?"
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Yes, you do."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded slowly
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina looked at him."I haven't seen a born one in over a 1000 years."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "Oh I thoght it was 20,000 years it's what Armond said."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."yes, yes sorry I'm old so I forget things."she chuckles
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded he opened his mouth to ask but closed it knowing it was rude
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina."What where you about to say?"
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "Nothing."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Okay then"
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked back down at his book
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina looked at him."You have no questions about the SB world? About what you are or what your father is?"
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max thoght about it, "Ummm the hole blood drinking thig I woun't will I? I've seen Armond eat."
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Yes you will have to drink blood but not in the way you think. Yes you have fangs but you don't need to bite someone to get blood. There are other aways."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Than why do I have fangs?"
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina leaned back on the chair."Well there are different ways you can get blood. One would be threw biting so that's why you need fangs. Another ways would be by touching, but only the very old vampires know how to do that. Not even Armond can."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded slowly and touched one of his fangs which they still wheren't fully grown
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina crossed her legs."For morden vampires they normal drink there blood in a cup or they bit the blood bag. It's seen as a more human way of feeding."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded again
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina."Is that all you wanted to know?"
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Okay then."
2010-03-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and glanced down at his book
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina picked a book and she started to read.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max read more
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina reads
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max read for a while than he put his book on his lap and rubbed his jaw with a frown
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina looked at him."Your fangs are coming in, right?"
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "Yeah they hurt."
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Here."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced at the pills and took them, "Oh thanks." He glanced at her wrist and blicked looking down at the pain pills
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded and she leaned back on the chair.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max read the pills bottle he glanced at Mina, "What other SB's have fangs?"
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina thought about it."Shifters and some very old demons."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."I think."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded again
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina went back to reading her book.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max read his book for a while he ended up falling asleep in his chair
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina reads her book.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept for a few hours
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina reads
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept more
[Umm time skip to when Armond comes]
Max was still asleep
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina stood up."Armond."sh
Armond looked tired."Mina."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max snored softly
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina walked out the room with him."Any news?"
Armond shook his head as he leaned on the wall."Nope. How was he?"
Mina nodded."He read."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max mubbled and opened his eyes
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Good."
Mina nodded."His fangs where bothering him so I give him a pill for it."
Armond nodded."Thank you Mina."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes and sat up he herd them and walked out of the libary he smiled seeing Armond and hugged him he smilied up at Armond sleepy
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond hugged him back."Where you good for Mina?"
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded nuzzling his face in Armond's shirt, "Yeah and I didn't bite."
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."Good boy." he held him.
Mina smiles."He was as good as gold."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and yawned nuzzling his face in Armond's shirt more
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina."I'll see you tommorrow, Armond, Maximus."she teleported away.
Amrond held him.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned, "Find out anything dad?" He asked useing dad for the first time
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head."Nope. I couldn't find Lilly, Rubin or Remus."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I know. Its not good. But I have notice that if your in troble Lilly pops up which is strange."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned up at him, "So if I'm in troble Lilly will come."
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Maybe I don't know."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "We could try right?" He rubbed his eyes
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head."NO."
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "OK ok ok no trying what about bed I like that idea or food?"
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Slee
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "If your going I will."
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head."I need to feed first."he walked to the kitchen
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: MAx fallowed him and sat down at the table
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked into the kitchen and he walked to the fridge.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max watched Armond with couriosity
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond pulled out a blood bag and poured it into a glass then he took a sip.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max wrikled his nose
2010-03-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sipped the blood.
2010-03-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Gross..."
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